ImageWhen it comes to patriotism, it doesn’t get any better than John Cena of World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE).  John Cena is about as All-American as hamburgers, hot dogs, and hot apple pie.  He proves this day in and day out, but the most important way he shows this is through his undying support for the United States Armed Forces.  John Cena supports the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines in a big way and has done so on many occasions through trips to Iraq, Afghanistan, and the annual event WWE Support the Troops. 

This hits home for me because my name is Terry Thompson, and I am a Soldier serving in the United States Army with two deployments to Iraq, and one to Afghanistan.  I am thankful and truly appreciate it when people like John Cena take time out of their life to show support for service members stateside and abroad.  During my three deployments, I can’t tell you that everything was perfect, but it wasn’t extremely bad.  We didn’t always get John Cena, hamburgers, hot dogs, and hot apple pie but we have had our fair share of really good food and some equally patriotic supporters.

For me, it didn’t take much to make me happy during a deployment.  Just a few simple pleasures from home in the form of care packages from friends and family always kept a smile on mine and everyone’s faces.  If you have ever sent someone a care package, whether it was something simple as cookies, candy, shaving cream, razors, extra clothes, a stuffed animal, or a box of books/DVD’s, I can assure you that the receiving service member was smiling from ear to ear and didn’t hesitate to share a little of home with his/her “battle buddies”.

Even though John Cena is only one of the many “stars” that have made the personal/professional sacrifice to show support for service members, I for one am truly thankful that we have people in this world that hasn’t forgotten “freedom, isn’t free”.  It doesn’t take much, but things like John Cena, care packages, good food, and just some simple pleasures from home are all great ways to get and keep a service member motivated to keep doing what we do every day when we are not at home.

To connect with more from Terry Thompson visit or get his new book Daily Fuel for LIFE and LEADERSHIP available now on Amazon.


(from Daily Fuel for LIFE and LEADERSHIP)

How often have you ever been told that you cannot do something?  Have you ever been discriminated against because of your gender, religion, age, sexual orientation, or even race?  When these things happen it is very discouraging, defeating, and down right degrading when it happens.  Would you agree or disagree?

Instead of discouraging someone, my challenge to you is to encourage someone.  By giving someone a “can do” attitude, you will have enabled them to believe in themselves, and accomplish more than they ever thought they could had you disabled them with negative comments or actions.

I like to look at “encouraging or discouraging” others as “enabling or disabling” others.  When you discourage someone, you disable them. But, when you encourage someone, you enable them.  Be an enabler, not a dis-abler.  You never know you may have to rely on that other person one day to help enable you.

If you enjoyed this inspirational message, visit Terry Thompson’s author page on Amazon to get more.

Terry in Boston CLOSEUP

Do you need a motivational lift? From time to time we all need words of inspiration that will lift us and take us to higher places when we feel low. There have been many times I just didn’t feel like doing something and all it took was a simple someone calling out my name and it perked me right up. In other words, I was motivated by something extremely simple but produced maximum results.

Point blank, there are going to be times in your life where you need just a little pep talk to get you going in the right direction and I have provided that pep talk in Daily Fuel with Terry Thompson. For more Daily Fuel, click link below and inspire yourself to personal and professional success.


Leadership Solved

Leadership Solved is on sale now for only $0.99.  Get it now before it goes back to regular price.

Link  —  Posted: January 1, 2013 in Uncategorized

Happy New Year and with the new year comes new year resolutions that I know we are going to faithfully keep. What are your resolutions? Before you answer that, I know that we will all resolve to lose weight, exercise more, take those college classes we been putting off, be better parents, be more proactive, and so forth. As we are all set to start working on those new year resolutions, the one thing I would like you to focus on is exercise. Now you are thinking, that is so typical, we always say that we need to exercise more and we are correct. I don’t mean just in the physical aspect but the mental and intellectual aspect as well. We need to exercise our minds as well as our bodies. You can do this by doing the following:

• Read a book
• Visit a blog
• Gain valuable knowledge and insight from a website such as
• Start a conversation with a respected professional ,peer, or even a stranger
• Watch an informative video or television show
• Learn something new with your child by reading and/or engaging in a learning event with them from a book, video, or an application
• Start a debate with someone and watch how it unfolds with both individuals learning something

These are just a few tips to help you exercise your mind. Be creative and join the conversation by posting your thoughts and ideas on how to exercise your mind. I look forward to connecting with everyone as we learn new tips and techniques on how to exercise the mind. 

If you would like to connect with more from me, visit Leadertank.comImage

Daily Fuel with Terry Thompson on Soundcloud

Listen to Daily Fuel with Terry Thompson now on Soundcloud.

Link  —  Posted: December 31, 2012 in Uncategorized
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I am excited to announce that my first book has been released.  Leadership Solved can be found on on the link below.  Thank you to everyone who has inspired and motivated me to make this finally happen.

Leadership Solved 


Terry W. Thompson

Even Rich People Have Bills by Terry W. Thompson.

The holiday season is upon us and stress levels are getting higher and higher. We have holiday commitments to family and friends, shopping for everyone (and we don’t want to forget anyone) at stores that are jammed packed full of people, parties to go to, a lot of driving on roads that are backed up for miles, and through it all we somehow maintain our sanity.

During these stressful times we need to learn how to relax and not let all these things get to us. Below are some holiday tips and activities that will help you get through the holidays by taking your mind off the things that are keeping you from having a happy holiday.

1. Call an old friend or family member you haven’t talked to in a while, share some old memories and wish them a happy holiday

2. Help someone you normally wouldn’t help with a project they need help with

3. Give a gift to someone in need

4. Do some volunteer work

5. Play a board game with your family

6. Lift a stranger up by wishing them a happy holiday

7. Partake in a random activity that you normally would not do or have been putting off

8. Pull out the musical instrument you have hiding in the closet and learn a holiday song

9. Make popcorn and enjoy a movie with the family

10. Be the picture taker and capture the moment of the holidays and watch as everyone smiles

These are just a few, and the list could go on and on. But it’s up to you to enjoy this holiday season. Anyone who has ever known me, knows that the most important “Right” is “Right attitude”. I hope that you all have the “Right attitude” this holiday season and may you find happiness in the smallest of things that will forever be a lasting memory, and if for some reason you cannot enjoy it, then remember, EVEN RICH PEOPLE HAVE BILLS ! ! ! LOL, Have a wonderful HOLIDAY.


Terry W. Thompson

Daily Fuel from

I have often been asked what are my thoughts about leadership. When I think about leadership there are many things that come to mind, but only two stand out among the rest which are INFLUENCE and IMPACT.

If your INFLUENCE is not making an IMPACT then you need to re-evaluate, re-design, and re-engage your leadership tactics, techniques, and procedures.

For more Leader tips, tools, techniques, and resources from me visit and read Daily Fuel. You can also join my Daily Fuel group on Facebook to get updates from me and other like minded Leaders.

Daily Fuel from group on Facebook can be found here.




Terry W. Thompson


Harmony makes sense out of something that is not strong enough by itself by uniting notes together in a beautiful symphony of sound. By uniting together and becoming one, we can all be in harmony and much stronger than a single note.  Join me in harmony and let’s make music that the whole world can hear and enjoy. Live in Harmony my friends.

For more motivational and inspirational messages by me, visit and read Daily Fuel.


Terry W. Thompson