Posts Tagged ‘soul’

The mirror doesn't lie

The mirror doesn’t lie


When you look into a mirror, are you happy with what you see? If you are not happy with what you see, then how can you expect others to be happy with what they see? The mirror doesn’t lie, it brutally and honestly tells the truth in so many ways.

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Come on, just one more bite.  You can do it, just watch one more episode of your favorite show, you don’t need to exercise.  Have another drink, your fine.  It’s going to be just me and the guys/girls, you can trust me.

Do these all sound familiar?

That is just temptation calling you and temptation is everywhere.  You don’t need that extra bite, you need to exercise, you don’t really need that drink, and a night on the town with the guys/girls has potential to end up in a strange place you have no business being at hanging around people with all sorts of bad intentions.

You have to maintain your high level of discipline so you don’t get out of control and out of sync with the things you want to accomplish in life. If your goal is to lose weight, then you have to maintain the discipline to not let temptation get the best of you regardless of what everyone else is eating.  If you goal is to write a book, then sitting around the house watching the television all day is not going to get that book written on it’s own.  And, I can assure you that drinking will lead you nowhere but down a long, slow road to problems that will still be there once you sober up.  Now hanging out with friends and family is a different thing, but you need to ask yourself “is the company that I keep in sync with my goals, or do I need new friends”?

If you answered “no” to the previous statement then I suggest you surround yourself with different people that will lead you in the right direction instead of tempting you into things that are not in sync with your goals and dreams .  Remember, temptation is lurking everywhere but you can avoid it by remaining vigilant, focused, dedicated, and most important of all disciplined enough to not fall for it’s grip on you from achieving personal and professional success.

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