Posts Tagged ‘lie’

The mirror doesn't lie

The mirror doesn’t lie


When you look into a mirror, are you happy with what you see? If you are not happy with what you see, then how can you expect others to be happy with what they see? The mirror doesn’t lie, it brutally and honestly tells the truth in so many ways.

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“Stuck on Stubborn”

Have you ever tried to help someone who stubbornly refuses your assistance? Isn’t this frustrating to know that deep down in your heart you are trying to help someone and they just absolutely are not trying to hear a word you are saying? Sometimes you just can’t help someone who is “stuck on stubborn”, but at least you can put forth the effort to try. Even though they may have given up on everything, you should not give up on them. Keep trying because eventually these people who are “stuck” will see the light and you will break through their “stubbornness”. Believe me, once this breakthrough happens, the person you have just helped will be thankful you did.

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